What’s the Cost of a Real Estate Drone Video?

Thinking of giving your real estate listings a high-flying boost? Drone videos can skyrocket interest and attract multiple offers. With drones now more accessible than ever, many businesses, including eNdodrones, offer this aerial advantage. But what’s the price tag?

The Real Cost of a Real Estate Drone Video

Get ready to shell out between $400 and $800 for a few minutes of raw drone footage (editing not included).

Why the High Price?

  1. Pro Pilots: Certified drone pilots need a $150 license (in the US) and invest significant time and money in mastering their craft. Navigating the skies isn’t a walk in the park—think dodging power lines, trees, birds, and even other aircraft.
  2. Expertise: Experience comes at a premium. New pilots quickly learn that flying a drone is trickier than it looks. Experienced pilots, like those at eNdodrones, know how to avoid costly mistakes.
  3. Travel and Insurance: Pilots’ travel time, expenses, and insurance are baked into the price.

Prices can vary widely based on factors like shot complexity and market conditions. Filming in the middle of nowhere is a lot easier than capturing a busy cityscape.

Editing Costs

Editing a drone video is another variable expense, depending on the editor’s skill and the level of polish you want. Most drone operators, including eNdodrones, offer editing, typically charging around $100 per hour. Expect about two to three hours to edit a 1:30-2:00 minute video.

Total Investment

In total, expect to spend between $800 and $1200 for a professionally shot and edited drone video that’s ready to wow online viewers.

Go Pro or DIY?

Thinking of going DIY? Buying your own drone and learning to shoot and edit videos can save you a bundle and help you stand out in the crowded real estate market!

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